Page 1 - Perfect Look EN
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The luxury car segment will drive
                                                                most market growth

                                                                Segmentation of car market by vehicle cost range

        Are you looking
        for the perfect look for a car body?
        Do you want to achieve perfect gloss,
        depth, or maybe the right level of matt?
        or with just the right matt level?

        Check out the

        product package

                         NEW      SPECTRAL            EXCELLENT             SPECTRAL
                                  KLAR 505-00       APPEARANCE                  GLAZE
                                  KLAR 535-00           WITH NO               WAVE 2.0
                                  UNDER 305-00      COMPROMISES               BASE 2.0

        The growing requirements of luxury class car            For the service, the use of the package
        owners, the desire to stand out, emphasis on             allows to perform a special repair of the
        the individual character and uniqueness of               quality expected by the most demanding
        the car are the reasons why we have created              customers and, what is equally important,
        the SPECTRAL PERFECT LOOK                                to obtain an appropriate level of margin
        product package

        For many years, there has been an upward                The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for
        trend in the number of luxury cars owned                 the luxury car segment is significantly higher
        on global markets                                        than for other cars
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