P. 13
Premium breathable masking film
To make sure that the work will proceed without unnecessary surprises, such as sores and stains on the paint,
we have developed a Premium breathable masking film for you. It is exceptionally durable and has moisture-
-permeable properties. Indispensable when you don’t know whether the varnish is completely dry and there is
no moisture left on it. Perfect for corrections, masking thick layers of varnish or painting two colors. Whenever
the repair must proceed as planned.
A unique product for special tasks.
Premium breathable masking film
• breathes away moisture - prevents the formation of ghost stains on wet or undried
bodywork parts
• saves time and costs - eliminates the risk of corrections and polishing due to the appe-
arance of ghost stains on the painted surface
• extremely durable and flexible - does not tear even when caught on sharp, protruding
bodywork elements
• the use of special plastic facilitates the cutting of the film and the cutting of complex
• increased up to 5 m width of the film allows for accurate and quick masking of passen-
ger cars and large vehicles such as SUVs
P/N Size
91398 5 x 96m