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            DART FILLER

            Multipurpose acrylic primer, works both as a  ller and wet on wet.  Low viscosity guarantee  perfect levelling and
            smooth Surface after drying.  Very fast resins allow to achieve very short drying time – only 2 hours at 80 microns
            of dry layer.   Excellent adhesion, good anticorrosive and isolating properties, very easy hand and machine
            sanding complement sets of properties of very good universal acryl primer.
            SANDING         SPEED          REPAIR                                        More information
                                                                                          about product
                                                                                          use and storage
                                                                                     in Technical Data Sheet.

                         Article-No               Unit package (l)  Cumulative package (pcs.)  Remarks
               2000 DART FILLER
               91078  white                           0,8 l                 6
               91080  gray                            0,8 l                 6
               91082  black                           0,8 l                 6
               91079  white                           2,8 l                 2
               91081  gray                            2,8 l                 2
               91083  black                           2,8 l                 2
               hardener HARD 90-200
               91099  STANDARD                        0,2 l                 6
               91271  SLOW*                           0,2l                  6            *MTO/MOQ - made to order
               91101  STANDARD                        0,7 l                 4

               HIGH BUILD FILLER


            SOLID FILLER

            High build acrylic primer, allows to apply very thick layers and highly  lls deep scratches and uneven areas. Thanks
            to possibility of applying without  ash off time, signi cantly decreases working time. Based on highest quality
            resins and additives, guarantees excellent adhesion  to various substrates, good anticorrosive and isolating pro-
            perties.  Special composition of mineral  llers offers very easy sanding and reduces shrinkage of primer.
            SANDING         SPEED          REPAIR                                       More information
                                                                                          about product
                                                                                         use and storage
                                                                                     in Technical Data Sheet.

                         Article-No               Unit package (l)  Cumulative package (pcs.)  Remarks
               2200 SOLID FILLER
               91084 white                            0,8 l                 6
               91086 gray                             0,8 l                 6
               91088 black                            0,8 l                 6
               91085 white                            2,8 l                 2
               91087 gray                             2,8 l                 2
               91126 black                            2,8 l                 2

               hardener HARD 90-200
               91099 STANDARD                         0,2 l                 6
               91100 FAST                             0,2 l                 6
               91271 SLOW*                            0,2 l                 6            *MTO/MOQ - made to order
               91101 STANDARD                         0,7 l                 4
               91484 FAST*                            0,7 l                 4            *MTO/MOQ - made to order
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