Page 10 - NFCC EN
P. 10

COLOUR SELECTION  greatly discretionary,it  the  colour  Modern  the cars,since
      10                     affects  car  specific  environmental  resulting

                             is  original  model.  classic
                             colour  history:the  the  of  painting

                             the  year        for
                             choosing  vehicle's  the  selling  unfit  are

                             stage.While  by restricted  the  by  driven  processes

                             renovation  traditionally  predominantly protection laws prohibit the use of original input materials of the era,and the colour making process relies on formulating the recipe that is as approximate to the original master as possible.The pigmentation capabilities have been greatly improved in the recen

                             visual  is

                             important  selection  are  colour

                             most  colour  restrictions  supplied

                             the  the         the
                             is   in. These   from
                             colour  why  is  quite possible to reproduce the true colour.  coats have weak structures with short life spans.

                             correct  value.This  manufactured  formulas

                             the              (2K)
                             Choosing  vehicle's  the  been  has  acrylic  and
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